IMR178: Ref-Station in Washington, White Collar Crime, Pro-Bono Mandat Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit
Irgendwas mit Recht | Persönlichkeiten, Jobs & Karrieren im Jura Podcast
Mon, September 4, 2023
Podchat Summary

Exploring a Career in White-Collar Crime: An Interview with Alexander Suttor

In this episode, host Marc Ohrendorf sits down with Alexander Suttor, a lawyer specializing in white-collar crime, to discuss his educational background, career path, and experiences in the field.

From Freiburg to Italy: A Journey of Education

Alexander shares his journey of studying in Freiburg and the opportunities that led him to do an Erasmus year in Italy. He discusses the benefits of studying abroad and how it broadened his perspective on the legal profession.

Choosing a Career in Law

Discovering his passion for law, Alexander talks about his decision to pursue a career in the field. He shares insights into his experience working at Clifford Chance and the advantages of starting a legal career at a firm where you already know the people.

Unveiling the World of White-Collar Crime

Alexander provides a glimpse into his work in the field of white-collar crime and internal investigations. He highlights the diverse nature of his daily tasks and the challenges he faces in this complex area of law.

Pro Bono Mandate: A Case of Justice

Delving into a pro bono mandate, Alexander discusses his involvement in the trial of two former Syrian intelligence officers accused of crimes against humanity. He shares his experiences and the impact of working on such a significant case.

Tune in to this episode to gain valuable insights into the world of white-collar crime and the rewarding aspects of a legal career.

Original Show Notes
Herzlich willkommen zu IMR178 mit Alexander Suttor aus Frankfurt. Alexander arbeitet heute als Associate im Frankfurter Büro von Clifford Chance im Wirtschaftsstrafrecht, hat jedoch in Süddeutschland studiert. Ferner führte ihn sein Studium im Rahmen eines Erasmus-Aufenthalts nach Italien. Warum hat er sich für das Referendariat in einer Großkanzlei sowie den anschließenden Berufseinstieg bei Clifford entschieden? Wie war die Wahlstation in Washington? Was gefällt ihm am Wirtschaftsstrafrecht? Wie kam es, dass er die Zeit bis zum Verbesserungsversuch im zweiten Examen mit der Begleitung des Koblenzer Terrorismusverfahrens überbrücken durfte? Antworten auf diese Fragen und viele weitere Einblicke liefert Alexander in einer kurzweiligen Podcastfolge. Viel Spaß!
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