México: cinco amigos desaparecidos y los soldados esclavizados del narco
El hilo
Fri, September 1, 2023
Podchat Summary

The Case of the Missing Young People in Lagos de Moreno, Mexico

In this episode, we delve into the chilling case of five young people who mysteriously went missing in Lagos de Moreno, Mexico. Known for its alarming number of missing persons cases, Lagos de Moreno has become a hotbed of concern for families and authorities alike.

Our guest, journalist Celia Spinoza, has been on the frontlines of reporting on missing persons cases in the area. She has not only been shedding light on these heartbreaking stories but has also been actively assisting families in reporting their missing loved ones.

The case of the five missing young people gained widespread attention when shocking photos and a distressing video of them tied up and gagged began circulating on social media. This horrifying evidence has brought to the forefront the issue of forced recruitment by cartels.

Cartels often kidnap young people and coerce them into working for their organized crime groups. These recruitment camps are typically situated in remote areas, where recruits are subjected to brutal training and violence.

As we explore this case, we raise important questions about the government's response to disappearances and their lack of action in rescuing those who have been kidnapped. The episode concludes with a thought-provoking discussion on the impact of this type of violence on Mexican society and the urgent need for prevention and support for survivors.

Tune in to this gripping episode as we uncover the disturbing truth behind the missing young people in Lagos de Moreno, Mexico.

Original Show Notes

Cinco jóvenes desaparecieron en Lagos de Moreno, un municipio de Jalisco, el Estado mexicano con mayor cantidad de desaparecidos desde la llamada “guerra contra el narco”. La divulgación de un video sobre el caso y las hipótesis sobre lo que sucedió han vuelto a poner a la luz el fenómeno del reclutamiento forzado: el secuestro de jóvenes que son obligados a trabajar para cárteles. Esta semana, la periodista Celia Espinoza, quien ha estado cubriendo el caso muy de cerca, explica qué se sabe hasta ahora sobre la desaparición de los cinco jóvenes. Luego, la periodista y docente universitaria Alejandra Guillén, nos cuenta lo que ha investigado sobre el reclutamiento forzado y sobre el funcionamiento de los campamentos del narco. 


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