Sentenciados a vivir sin patria: 10 años sin derechos en República Dominicana
El hilo
Fri, September 22, 2023
Podchat Summary

Unveiling the Struggles of Daisy Tussin: A Journey of Identity and Discrimination in the Dominican Republic

Join us in this thought-provoking episode as we delve into the remarkable life of Daisy Tussin, a journalist in the Dominican Republic, whose personal experiences shed light on the complex issues of identity and discrimination in the country.

A Journey of Identity

Daisy Tussin's life began with a unique challenge - being born prematurely and not being declared in the civil registry by her father. As a result, she only had her mother's last name, setting the stage for a lifelong struggle to establish her identity.

In 1989, Daisy faced a cataleptic episode that led to her being declared dead. Miraculously, she recovered, but she considers this incident as the first time she "died." This profound experience further deepened her quest for self-discovery.

The Denial of African Heritage

In 2011, Daisy encountered a shocking obstacle when she was denied a passport due to her last name being considered "Frenchified." This incident exposed the underlying issue of denying African heritage in the Dominican Republic, highlighting the complexities of racial identity.

The Stripping of Nationality

In 2013, the Dominican Republic passed a law that stripped the nationality of hundreds of thousands of Dominicans of Haitian descent, rendering them stateless. The law categorized affected individuals into two groups - those already registered and those who were not. While the former had their nationality restored, the latter were offered a regularization plan that has yet to result in naturalization.

The consequences of this law have been devastating, with severe social, economic, and psychological impacts. Limited access to education, healthcare, and formal employment has further exacerbated the challenges faced by those affected.

A Political Stalemate

The current government under Luis Abinader has shown little political will to address the issue, and the persecution of Haitian migrants and their descendants has intensified. The nationalist narrative against Haitians in the Dominican Republic, deeply rooted in history, has been fueled by social media and conservative groups.

A Glimmer of Hope

Despite the immense challenges, there is a glimmer of hope for a future solution. As the number of affected individuals continues to grow and the issue gains international attention, there is a growing momentum to address the discrimination and find a just resolution.

Join us as we explore the captivating journey of Daisy Tussin and gain a deeper understanding of the struggles faced by many in the Dominican Republic. Together, let's shed light on the importance of identity, equality, and the pursuit of justice.

Original Show Notes

Hace 10 años, la sentencia 168/13 le quitó la nacionalidad a cientos de miles de personas de ascendencia haitiana en República Dominicana. Hoy, la mayoría sigue en un limbo legal, sin posibilidades de regularizar su situación y en un clima de creciente persecución. Para entender este complejo escenario, conversamos con la corresponsal de Telesur Deisy Toussaint. Ella perdió su nacionalidad durante años por políticas anti-haitianas que preceden a la sentencia. Luego, la periodista Hogla Enecia nos explica la situación actual de los dominicanos descendientes de haitianos una década después de perder su nacionalidad.

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