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Your Daily Lex
Fri, July 28, 2023
Podchat Summary

Preparing for Camp with the Kids

In this episode, the host shares his preparations for going to camp with his children. Two of his children will be joining him on Saturday, and he wants to make sure everything is ready for their trip.

Liam's Vision Challenges

One of the children, Liam, has bad vision and relies on glasses and a watch to tell time. Unfortunately, they couldn't find Liam's digital watch from last year, so the host went on a mission to find a replacement.

The Search for a Watch

The host visited several stores in search of a regular cheap digital watch for Liam, but had no luck. However, he remembered that he had a non-name brand smartwatch that he had bought previously. He decided to give it to Liam as a temporary solution.

Avoiding Loss and Damage

The host explains that he didn't want Liam to take his Fitbit to camp because it needs to be charged regularly and could easily get lost or broken. He wanted to find a more suitable watch for Liam, but it was too late to order a different cheap digital watch from Amazon.

An Intense Avenue Q Rehearsal

Aside from preparing for camp, the host is also involved in an intense Avenue Q rehearsal. He takes a moment to encourage listeners to buy tickets if they are in the area, promising a fantastic show.

Tune in to this episode to hear about the host's preparations for camp, his search for a watch for Liam, and his involvement in an exciting Avenue Q rehearsal.

Original Show Notes

It’s hard to buy a dumb digital watch in 2023.

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