147: Here I Am, I'm a Battery
Accidental Tech Podcast
Fri, December 11, 2015
Podchat Summary

Apple's New iPhone 6S Smart Battery Case: A Mixed Review

Apple recently released the iPhone 6S smart battery case, and it has sparked mixed reviews among users. The case, priced at $99, offers about 80% extra battery life, but its unconventional design has raised some eyebrows.

One of the main criticisms of the case is its rectangular lump on the back, which many find unattractive. However, Apple has explained that this design is necessary to prevent interference with the phone's cellular reception.

Despite its appearance, the case does have some useful features. It is easy to put on and take off, and Apple claims that it will not block the phone's signal. Additionally, the case has a microfiber lining that cleans the phone when it is put in the case, and it improves gripability.

However, some users have pointed out that there are other third-party battery cases available that are thinner and provide more battery capacity. Apple's case also does not charge the phone up to 100% to preserve battery life.

Opinions on the case are divided. Some believe that Apple released it to capture more of the iPhone accessory market, while others see it as a necessary solution for the iPhone's poor battery life.

In addition to discussing the smart battery case, this episode also touches on the importance of finding a reliable cord for electronic devices. The host shares their frustration with cords that easily break or become unreliable, drawing a comparison to their personal relationship with toasters.

The episode emphasizes the need for a durable and long-lasting cord, highlighting factors such as quality and brand reputation. The host also shares their own experiences with different cords and the problems they encountered.

In conclusion, the episode stresses the importance of investing in a good cord to avoid unnecessary frustrations. Whether it's Apple's smart battery case or a reliable cord, finding the right accessories can greatly enhance the user experience.

Original Show Notes

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