317: We’re Customers Too
Accidental Tech Podcast
Sat, March 16, 2019
Podchat Summary

Spotify Accuses Apple of Unfair Practices in the App Store

In this episode, the hosts delve into the recent controversy between Spotify and Apple regarding the App Store. Spotify has launched a website called time2playfair.com, where they accuse Apple of unfair practices. According to Spotify, Apple denies customers true choice by not allowing them to promote deals and rejecting their app at critical moments. They also argue that the 30% commission Apple takes on in-app purchases is a "tax" that is not applied consistently.

Spotify has taken their grievances a step further by filing a formal complaint with the European Commission, claiming that Apple's actions violate the law. Apple, on the other hand, has responded with a press release, stating that Spotify wants all the benefits of the App Store without paying for them. They argue that Spotify is seeking to keep all the benefits of the App Store ecosystem without making any contributions to it.

The hosts engage in a lively debate about the fairness of Apple's App Store rules and the 30% commission they charge for in-app purchases. They discuss whether Spotify's complaints are valid and the potential consequences of Apple's dominance in the market. The hosts also draw parallels to the Microsoft antitrust case and its relevance to Apple's situation.

One of the main issues at hand, according to the hosts, is the strict requirement to use Apple's in-app purchase system. They suggest that Apple should consider revisiting their rules and making adjustments to better accommodate developers. As the legal aspects of the case are still unclear, the hosts acknowledge that it is difficult to determine the outcome at this point.

Original Show Notes

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