Escritor português Valter Hugo Mãe chega à Bienal do Livro
CBN Noite Total
Wed, September 6, 2023
Podchat Summary

Exploring Aging and Brazilian History with Walter Hugo Mãe

In this episode, we sit down with acclaimed Portuguese writer, Walter Hugo Mãe, to discuss his recent book "A minha mãe é a minha filha" (My Mother is My Daughter) and his latest novel "As doenças do Brasil" (The Diseases of Brazil).

A Book Born from a Column

Walter Hugo Mãe shares the story behind "A minha mãe é a minha filha," which began as a newspaper column and gained popularity online. The book resonates with individuals who have experienced caring for their aging parents, emphasizing the importance of including and caring for older individuals in society instead of institutionalizing them. Mãe's own mother, who is alive and well, plays a central role in the book and even protested the illustrations because she felt she looked better in real life.

A Starting Point for Conversations

"A minha mãe é a minha filha" is a short and emotional book that can be enjoyed by both adults and children. Mãe believes it serves as a starting point for conversations about aging and the need for societal mechanisms to protect and include older individuals. The book's heartfelt message encourages readers to reflect on the value of intergenerational relationships.

Exploring Brazilian History

Moving on to Mãe's latest novel, "As doenças do Brasil," we delve into the pain and complexities of Brazil's history. The author approaches the Brazilian context from the perspective of indigenous characters, highlighting their perplexity and the changes brought by colonization. Mãe sheds light on the mistreatment of indigenous and black populations, particularly during the country's colonization period.

The Challenges of Portuguese Literature

Mãe also discusses the challenges faced by Portuguese literature on a global scale. He believes that the perception of countries like Portugal and Brazil as economically challenged, along with the dominance of the English language, may contribute to the lack of recognition of Portuguese literature. However, he notes that Brazil has a more attractive international image, which helps in promoting its literature.

Adaptation into Film

During the interview, we learn that one of Walter Hugo Mãe's previous books, "O Filho de Mil Homens" (The Son of a Thousand Men), will be adapted into a film. This exciting news hints at the continued success and recognition of Mãe's captivating storytelling.

Tune in to this episode to gain insights into the power of literature to explore aging, shed light on historical injustices, and bridge cultural divides.

Original Show Notes
No CBN Noite Total, Tania Morales entrevista o escritor português, que participará na quinta-feira (7) e na sexta-feira (8) de uma mesa de autógrafos na Bienal do Livro, no Rio de Janeiro. O autor fala sobre os livros 'A minha mãe é a minha filha' e 'As doenças do Brasil'.
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