Short Stuff: Evil Eye
Stuff You Should Know
Wed, August 30, 2023
Podchat Summary

Episode Description: The Evil Eye - A Tradition of Jealousy and Protection

Welcome to another intriguing episode of our podcast! In this episode, our hosts delve into the fascinating concept of the evil eye, a tradition, custom, or superstition that has persisted across various cultures throughout history.

The evil eye, as our hosts explain, is the act of giving a negative or jealous glance to another person. It is believed that this glance can bring about bad luck or harm to the recipient. The origins of this tradition can be traced back to ancient times, with philosopher Plutarch being one of the first to write about it.

Throughout the episode, our hosts explore the diverse customs and protections against the evil eye found in different cultures. They discuss how wearing amulets or saying prayers are common practices to ward off its negative effects. To illustrate this, they share intriguing examples from Italy, Turkey, and India, where the evil eye holds significant cultural significance.

Did you know that the concept of the evil eye is believed to have originated in Mesopotamia around 5,000 years ago? Our hosts shed light on this historical aspect, providing a deeper understanding of the roots of this intriguing tradition.

Tune in to this captivating episode as our hosts unravel the mysteries surrounding the evil eye, exploring its cultural significance, historical origins, and the various customs and protections associated with it. Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, this episode is sure to leave you with a newfound appreciation for this age-old tradition.

Original Show Notes

You've seen the evil eye. Many Middle Eastern cultures have a long history with it. Learn how to thwart this curse today. 

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