Laurens Hammond: The Non-Musical Genius Who Changed Popular Music
Stuff You Should Know
Thu, August 31, 2023
Podchat Summary

The Life and Inventions of Larry Hammond: Revolutionizing the Music Industry

Join us in this episode as we delve into the fascinating life and groundbreaking inventions of Larry Hammond, an American inventor and electrical engineer born in 1895. Hammond's contributions to the music industry, particularly his creation of the iconic Hammond organ, have left an indelible mark on rock and roll music.

One of Hammond's most notable inventions was the Hammond B3, a type of organ that became a staple in the world of rock and roll. We explore the origins of this instrument and its impact on the music scene, from its distinctive sound to its widespread use in churches, baseball stadiums, and even radio soap operas.

But the Hammond organ was just the beginning of Larry Hammond's innovative career. He also invented the tickless clock, a revolutionary timepiece that eliminated the annoying ticking sound commonly associated with clocks. We delve into the engineering behind this invention and its impact on the world of timekeeping.

In addition to the tickless clock, Hammond also dabbled in the world of visual entertainment. We discuss his creation of the Telaview, an early form of 3D movies that captivated audiences in its time. Discover the technological advancements that made this invention possible and its influence on the future of cinema.

Furthermore, we explore Hammond's role in the development of synthesizers with his invention of the NovaChord, one of the first synthesizers ever created. Learn about the groundbreaking features of this instrument and its impact on the music industry.

Throughout his career, Larry Hammond had a notable rivalry with Don Leslie, the inventor of the Leslie speaker, which became an integral component of the Hammond organ's unique sound. We delve into the details of this rivalry and its influence on the music industry.

Despite his lack of musical ability, Larry Hammond's inventions revolutionized the music industry and established him as a successful entrepreneur. Join us as we explore the life and achievements of this remarkable inventor and electrical engineer.

Original Show Notes

Laurens Hammond invented the Hammond organ and in the process changed music history. But he was much more than that. 

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