Magazin #9: Heartbeat Ultra & Evadict
Run.Cook.Eat.Repeat - Trailrunning, Kochen, Produkttests, Interviews
Fri, August 25, 2023
Podchat Summary

Episode Description: Heartbeat Ultra - Raising Funds for Children with Heart Conditions

Welcome to another episode of the Run Cook, Eat Repeat podcast! In this episode, Markus sits down with Jenny Romanowski, the organizer of the Heartbeat Ultra, a charity race aimed at raising funds for children with heart conditions. Jenny's personal experience with her son, Thore, who was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, has inspired her to create awareness and support for children facing similar challenges.

Jenny opens up about the everyday struggles her family faces, including the need for oxygen and access to medical care. She highlights the importance of organizations like Fontan Hearts, which collect valuable information to help children with heart conditions. Jenny also shares exciting news about the development of an app by Fontan Hearts that will monitor symptoms and provide early warnings for complications.

The Heartbeat Ultra is a charity race that welcomes participants of all levels, from beginners to experienced trail runners. It's an opportunity for the running community to come together and make a difference in the lives of children with heart conditions. Markus encourages listeners to get involved and support this fantastic cause.

In addition to the inspiring interview with Jenny, Markus takes some time to review two trail running products from Decathlon's e-Verdickt brand. He shares his thoughts on the MT-Cushion 2 trail running shoe, praising its grip and comfortable fit. Markus also provides an honest assessment of the Trail Running Backpack, highlighting its affordability but pointing out a few minor design issues.

As the episode draws to a close, Markus reminds listeners that the podcast will be taking a summer break until the end of September. It's the perfect time to catch up on previous episodes and get excited for what's to come when the podcast returns.

Tune in to this episode of the Run Cook, Eat Repeat podcast to learn more about the Heartbeat Ultra and how you can support children with heart conditions. Don't forget to check out Markus' reviews of the Decathlon trail running products!

Original Show Notes
In dieser Folge sprechen wir über Trailrunning-Artikel eines großen Sportartikelherstellers. Wir haben ein Interview mit Jenny Romanowski, einer leidenschaftlichen Trailrunnerin, die von ihrem Spendenlauf für Kinder mit Herzfehlern erzählt. Wir stellen außerdem verschiedene Trailrunning-Artikel der Decathlon Eigenmarke eVerdict vor. Danach folgt eine Sommerpause. Bis bald!
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